
I have been acting professionally since 1995. My first gig was for Historic St. Charles (MO) Christmas Traditions. My journey from that point on has been wild and exciting. From Renaissance festivals to pirate fests; to touring coast to coast in a religious repertory theater company; to performing murder mysteries 650 feet below in a salt mine. I love performing live shows! I have also appeared in small films and on three different television series on EWTN: The Theater of the Word, Inc. and The Quest for Shakespeare and The Journey Home. You can check out my IMDB page for the latest on film and television shows.

I studied English Country dance from John Ramsey and I danced in his group “For As Many As Will”. I also learned Renaissance dance from Duchess Alice of the Baroney of the Shattered Crystal in the Society of Creative Anachronism. Because of my love for this dance style, I was drafted as Dance Instructor for the Greater St. Louis Renaissance Festival from 2000-2005. I also performed at the Green Show for the St. Louis Shakespeare Festival from 1999-2005. I have taught dance demos at the St. Louis Art Museum, The Muny, and various outdoor festivals.

I studied fight choreography from members of the Society of American Fight Directors and I have been hired to choreograph fights for theater companies (among them Clayton Community Theater’s A Soldier’s Play, which won the Arts For Life award for Outstanding Production of a Drama in 2020), Passion plays, and Shakespeare festivals.

In 2000, I created with my sister Susan, Swords and Roses® an all female stage combat troupe that performs at faires, festivals, conventions and parties.

When I am not choreographing fights or performing stage combat myself, I can be found battling in family-friendly improv for ComedySportz St. Louis or performing as a Mad Scientist for Mad Science of St. Louis.

I write too. You can check out my blogs.